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Module 1: Mql4 Basics (49.00)
The Basics
A Look Around the MetaEditor (14:18)
Precompiler Lines and the FrameWork of Your Code (21:45)
Functions and the Debugger
How a Function is Written (24:00)
Calling a Function (18:01)
Debugger (21:53)
Variables and Data Types
Variables and Data Types (5:25)
Integers, Bytes, Bits? How a Computer Stores Numbers (12:57)
Keeping Time with 'Datetime' and OnTimer() (19:08)
Working with the 'Color' Integer Data Type (12:47)
Creating Our Own Integer Data Type Using 'Enumerations' (18:50)
'Boolean' Type Integers (10:05)
'Floats', 'Doubles' and 'Strings' (15:09)
'Global' Scope, 'Local' Scope and 'Static' Variables (16:27)
'Extern' or 'Input'? (9:48)
'Arithmetic' Operations (13:39)
'Assignment' Operations (6:05)
'Relation' Operations (10:01)
'Boolean' Operations (21:09)
'Ternary' Operator (7:28)
'Switch' Operator (9:27)
'While' and 'Do..While' Loop Operators (7:28)
'For' Loop Operator (14:26)
Object Oriented Programming Basics: Structures and Classes.
Structures (25:49)
Structures... Classes.... Necessary? (10:05)
Constructors (9:48)
Destructors (13:27)
Classes, Setters and Getters (15:00)
Encapuslation, Extensibility, Overloading, PolyMorphism? (10:43)
Using the Mql4 Wizard to Create a Class (10:20)
Inheritance (17:03)
OOP Conclusion and Commentary (10:27)
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A Look Around the MetaEditor
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Stuff you will learn....
1.The 'F' key makes it easy for us to go back and forth from the editor to the terminal.
2.The key combination to show the strategy tester's 'Navigator' window.
3.What the 'ToolBox' is and what it's shortcut key combination is.
4.Where to find free files to download.
5.What F key compiles our code.
6.How the F1 key can be a big help to us.
8.How to set the colors of the text/font in our editor.
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