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2013 Youtube Archives
2013 Videos
Original First Lesson Later Updated. (14:11)
Updated Video Of First Lesson (19:01)
Mql4 Lesson 2 External Variables and Data Constants (22:21)
Mql4 Coding Lesson 3. String, F4 Key, Data Types (16:29)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 4 Hello Universe! (26:12)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 5 Printing and #Property Lines (24:38)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 6 Making a Message Box (24:56)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 7 Order Functions and if/else (24:48)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 8 Using Functions and "The Switch" (34:42)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 9 Part#1 Auto-Adjusting Moving Average (31:41)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 9 Part#2 Auto-Adjusting Moving Average (30:40)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 9 Part#3 Understanding the For Loop and IndicatorCounted() (35:12)
Mql4 Programmin Lesson10 Writing an Expert Advisor Based on Moving Averages (46:15)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 11 What is a 'static' variable? (26:20)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 12 Writing Move to Breakeven Function (38:46)
Mql4 Programming Lesson13 Let's Write a Trailing Stop Function (38:55)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 14 Entering Orders with and ECN broker. (42:14)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 15 MyFxBook Setup (31:37)
Mql4Lesson_16 Setting an Alarm (43:19)
Mql4Lesson_17 Candle Trail, Math Functions Trade Filters (53:54)
Metatrader Mql4 Lesson 18 Auto Adjusting Stops and Takeprofits (23:02)
Mql4 Auto-Adjusting Lotsize (48:41)
Mql4 Lesson 20 What is a Stochastic? (39:39)
Mql4 Lesson 21 Macd in an Expert Advisor (43:21)
Mql4 Lesson 22 Writing a Bollinger Band with MACD Expert Advisor In Mql4. (56:42)
Mql4 Programming Lesson 23 Fixing a broken EA (40:31)
Mql4 Lesson 24 Fixing an EA part 2 (31:38)
Mql4 Lesson 25 Fixing and EA part 3 (final) (24:06)
Mql4 Lesson 26 Closing Orders (29:11)
Mql4 Lesson 28 What is SetIndexBuffer? (28:10)
Mql4 Lesson 29 Including and Importing Files (42:50)
Mql4 Lesson 30 MACD EA Part 2 Importing Functions (40:32)
Mql4 Lesson 31 Closing Trades with for loops. (24:31)
Mql4 Programming MetaEditor Explained (22:27)
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Metatrader Mql4 Lesson 18 Auto Adjusting Stops and Takeprofits
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